Atlee Little League offers Fall Ball to give all of our kids the opportunity to learn the game of baseball/softball while having fun. Fall ball is designed with scheduled practices in between games to provide extra on field instruction that will ensure that players will gain valuable skills that will help them the following spring season.
Cost $ 50 per player in Tee Ball, Coach Pitch
$75 per player in Machine Pitch
$ 125 per player in Minors BB/SB and older
(No family discounts available)
Registration Opens: July 1, 2024
Registration Closes: August 12, 2024 (A late fee of $25 will be added starting August 13th, if space remains available)
Registration Link: Click Here
Once registration closes, all registrants will be wait listed. Players will be assigned a team if space allows us to do so. We strive to keep each team’s roster numbers low in order to provide a great experience for all kids. Registration will officially close August 25th. Please register early to guarantee your spot.
League Boundaries: Please click here to discover what league you reside within. You may also play at Atlee LL if your child attends one of the following schools: Atlee HS, Hanover HS, Chickahominy MS, Oak Knoll MS, Cool Spring ES, Pearson’s Corner ES, Rural Point ES, Kersey Creek ES or Washington-Henry ES.
Note: Boundary regulations still apply for Fall Ball. If you reside outside of our boundaries, please contact to discuss your options prior to registering.
Atlee Little League has more information available on our league boundary and school attendance page
Age Charts: Atlee LL will use the 2025 Little League age charts when placing children for the fall season. This guides parents to sign up their child for the division that they will play in next spring. The registration system will only allow them to sign up for divisions in which they are age-eligible. If you do not see a division that you want your child to play in, please email Jim Eddy, President
Divisions Offered:
Tee Ball – coed (Ages 4-5)
Coach Pitch Baseball and Softball (Ages 5-6) *All CP players should have 1 year of prior Tee Ball experience*
Machine Pitch Baseball and Softball (Ages 6-8)
Minors Baseball and Softball (Ages 9-10)
Majors Baseball and Softball (Ages 11-12)
Intermediate 50/70 Baseball (Ages 12-13)
Junior/Senior Baseball and Softball (Ages 13-16)
If you have specific questions regarding your child’s placement, please contact the following:
Season Starts: August 26th. All teams will be scheduled for two practices per week until games begin. Once games begin each team will practice once during the week.
Games Begin: September 7th. All teams will have a scheduled game each Saturday through October 26th. Intermediate 50/70 games will likely be played during the weeknights instead of Saturdays but this is subject to change.
Season Ends: October 26th
In need of more information, please visit our page dedicated to Parents.
Volunteers: Parents are urged to come out and volunteer. Team managers and coaches are needed for the fall ball season. The experience is a lot of fun and very rewarding. If interested in volunteering, please visit here. If you registered to volunteer in the spring and submitted the volunteer application, a new background check will not be required for the fall season but please still signup in Sports Connect so we know you are interested.
Contact Us: